This is a bad example becuase Jack has decided to be a breach baby so he's sitting on his butt. Stubborn from the get-go just like his mom....wonderful.
This week his testicles are making their way down from his abdomen to his scrotum. (Some baby boys — three to four percent — are born with undescended testicles, but they usually make the trip down sometime before the first birthday.)
Your baby's fingernails now reach the end of the fingertips and may even curl over the tip, making a manicure one of the first things you'll need to do for your little bundle.
How far along? 34 Very LONG Weeks
Countdown: 43 days
Exercise: HAHA, that's funny.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Eh, thanks to Ambian it's decent.
Best moment this week: HELLLLOOOO....3 day weekend.
Worst moment this week: It was all pretty good.
Movement: Still in the same spot. I really hope he turns becuase I don't want a breach baby.
Food Cravings? McDonalds ice cream cone! I hate their cones too, go figure.
Food Adversions: My appetite is way down but I'll still eat anything.
Gender: Definatly a boy by the techs comments.
Belly Button in or out? Innie
What I miss: My back not hurting. My stomach feeling normal. Being able to walk a decent distance. Running. Not having to use Jay to roll out of bed.
What I am looking forward to: The babys furniture being delivered....thats right it's still not here.