Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Our first scare

Yesterday I had my first scare of this pregnancy. I have truly had a text book example of pregnancy.

No morning sickness
No spotting
Perfect ultra sounds
Never had problems finding the heartbeat
No big jumps in weight gain
No gestional diabetes
Good iron (shocks me the most)

'Til yesterday.

I'll start off by saying I drink TONS of water so it was never a dehydration issue.

I was at work and kept having cramping pains. No biggie, I thought, since I figured I'm growing just as much in these last few weeks as I have this entire pregnancy. Well the pain continued and continued and continued. It didn't matter what position I was in or if I got up and walked around, they stayed. I went to go get lunch 3 blocks from my office, I had to stop half way for a breather becuase the pain got so bad. This wasn't constant was more like waves of pain.

I got back to the office and ate my food. I am, after all, pregnant and you can't put food in front of a pregnant lady and not expect me to eat it. BTW, it was a fruit and vegetable plate if you were wondering.

The pain didn't go away and the waves started getting worse. I will fully admit I have a high pain tolerance. I've put myself through things that I don't think a lot of others would. Actual pain doesn't bother me but this was starting to scare me.

I called my doctor's office nurse's line and left a message about what I was feeling. I figured I needed to be told to suck it up and it's just growing pains. She called back about 15 mintues later and she asked me a few more questions. Describe the pain. Is it menstral? Is it sharp? I told her the best I could and she advised me to come in and be monitored. This wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear but I told one of our bosses (who has kids and also got that worried look on his face) and left.

I called Jay on my way there and got there quickly. They did an exam and I wasn't dilating; which was good even if it turned out to be contractions. I really think she was looking for gold or oil up there, she was not gentle by any means!

Then they hooked me up to the NST, which is the non stress test machine, and was told to push the button when I felt him kick. It measures his heart rate and the muscles on my stomach. Luckily I was having minor contractions but they seemed to be fading which was the best news I could ask for right then and Jack's heart rate was perfect (of course).

Poor Jay knew I was going in for the test but didn't really understand why and I wouldn't let him come up there. It is suppose to the a NON STRESS TEST and having him there woudln't exactly make it a non stress test. Besides he had to sit through a meeting with two of the most annoying people put on the face of the earth. Payback I guess for me being in pain. I texted him saying I was fine which I'm sure only made him feel slightly better. If I really thought something was wrong I would have told him to come but there wasn't any reason for him to leave work just yet even though I know he really didn't want to be there.

I was sent home with instructions to put my feet up, bedrest, and drink lots of water. I went home and took a small nap and started feeling better. I did however wake up once in the middle of the night but was able to go right back to sleep.

What I did learn was what contractions feel like and I'm even less excited about delivering now. I also learned that as much as I hate being pregnant, I'm not ready and neither is Jack. He's still breech and needs some more time to flip and his lungs need to develop further. Plus we literally have nothing for him but clothes so far. But on a good note, this kid is styling.