We had a sonogram this morning and I'll attach pictures later of the sonogram but for now you'll have to deal with ones of me.
Yeah, I'm huge. No shocker there.
Jay thinks I've dropped and I kinda agree. I had to explain to him what that means in the begining though. He thought the baby was dropping out of me which made him nervous. Then he got excited thinking that he'll come early which is NOT what it means. The RLP from last week isn't nearly as bad and there is room between the boobs and belly. A lot of women say they can breathe easier once their babies drop. Personally I haven't noticed a difference in the breathing dept. I'm all about pain at this point.
How far along? 36 Weeks. We're getting close.
Jack weighs and estimated 6lbs 5oz.
Heartbeat 138
Countdown: 29 days
Exercise: I can barely move at night. Exercise is what happens when I have to roll in and out of bed.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Eh. Thank god for Ambian.
Best moment this week: Finishing Jacks room. Yes, we got the furniture on Wednesday and finished the room on Sunday. Can we say determined? Anal? Nesting???
Worst moment this week: Dropping something on the floor and realizing it just wasn't worth the effort to pick it up. Thank goodness Jay is in full nesting mode and follows me around picking up things, taking the laundry out of the dryer and anything that requires me to bend over for longer than a mintue.
Movement: Slowing down a bit
Food Cravings? Everything that's bad for me. Jay complains but he still ate my donuts.
Food Adversions: My appetite is way down but I'll still eat anything.
Gender: Twigs and berries.
Belly Button in or out? My timer is still in.
What I miss: Bending over. Not having carpel tunnel. Huge amounts of preassure. Ugh, how can I do this for another month???
What I am looking forward to: Being done!