That's right, new baby furniture. Why you may ask? We' might remember this post.
At 18 weeks we had decided to purchase Jack's baby furniture from USA Baby asince they were having a great sale. They had indicated that the furniture could take up to 4 months to be delivered. This always made us a little nervous, but heck we loved the set and decided to roll with the punches. It's not like we didn't have time, right?
Fast forward to the past few weeks. Gina's been contacting USA Baby routinely and each time they had no answer as to when Jack's furniture would be delivered. Finally realizing how annoyed Gina was getting they offered a concession to appease us as and offered a credit for the delivery charge. Well, of course we took it. It's free money back to us. After another round of phone calls and dissapointments they offered the sales prices on all store items. The the news hit and were just told, "We just know it'll be soon; likely in the next delivery." Which by the way, it wasn't.
At this point Gina's patience was gone; well the little bit that she did have. We made the decision to move on. Really....5 months and no furnitre. We joked they were growing the trees for our crib. I'd also like to point out that our house was built in a shorter amount of time. Gina called them this morning to cancel. Since the sales rep couldn't make returns, a manager had to call us back. This is where it gets good folks so get your popcorn.
As expected the manager called back but wanted to let us know that they had magically found our furniture and could likely get it to us sometime this week. I guess in 5 months of Gina calling and waiting we get no where unless the thought of losing the sale finally makes furniture appear. Sorry folks you lost any standing from the pregnant one and we continued with the cancelation. They then decided to inform us that there is a 20% restocking fee. UMMM, WHAT? Question: How do you have a restocking fee when neither the customer (me) or the store (USA Baby) has the items being returned? I don't know either but if you come to find out let me know.
Through Gina's wonderful tone and barganing skills they dropped the restocking fee and we're anxiously waiting on the credit to magically appear much quicker than our original furniture order. Let's hope the credit takes less than 5 months but don't hold your breath.
We decided to head over to Buy Buy Baby and had the EXACT opposite experience that we had at USA Baby. We really love the store and the staff as they've always been extremely helpful and courteous to us in all of the purchases we've made with them. If you remember our glider is from there and was sitting in the store waiting to be brought home with in a week and a half of it's original order...keep in mind this was a custom piece too (nope it didn't take 5 months) The furniture was no different. We decided on a set fairly quickly. It appeases both Gina's taste and Jay's need for it to not topple over.
As you can see we picked the Stratton collection pictured above and to our surprise, we could have even taken it home today with us if we had owned a truck. Go figure, a quality set doesn't have to take 5 months to be built and delivered.
Overall, we're patiently/not-so-patiently waiting for our new set which is being delivered this Wednesday. We were able to give our business to Buy Buy Baby once again and have learned our lesson with USA Baby and will be certain to let everyone know of our experience should someone want to know what dealing with USA Baby is really like.
Seriously, who pisses off a pregnant woman?????