Our swing was FINALLY delivered!
You want to know why I say Finally??? Because we ordered it over a month ago. This thing is kinda like the holy grail. You've seen pictures of it but never really seen it in person and don't know of anybody that has one.
Apparently it's "THE" swing to have. Betcha you didn't know there are "THE" things to have for a baby. Well there are and I didn't know that when we went to go buy one. I knew I wanted one with an AC adapter and that swung both ways. Babies either love or hate swings and most of the ones that hate swings is because they don't like the direction. I'm not patient enough to wait to see if Jack like a swing.
The specs read like a sports car:
4 seat positions
3 recline levels
Holds most Graco car seats so you don't have to take him out of his (not sure if he's sleeping why I would but whatever)
Seat doubles as a floor rocker.
MP3 player
Yes, you read that right. It has an MP3 player. Again, I didn't know or care about the MP3 player when I ordered it. Personally, I still don't care but it's a feature that is kinda cool and Jay seems to like it. I still like the idea of it moving in every direction possible.
Dexter isn't sure about it and he was really curious when we started the womb sounds. It'll be cute to see how Dexter and Stimpy react when we bring home Jack.