We finally decided on a carseat. We'd seen a few but weren't thrilled by the colors and yes I'm still vain enough to care about colors. You've met me, right?
We knew we wanted a Graco since it'd been rated the best.
We had several different options with them.
- The infant which is 5-22lbs and less than 29 inches tall
- 32 which is 5-32lbs and less than 32 inches tall
-35 which is 5-35lbs and less than 35 inches tall
Keep in mind that neither of us are concerned about weight since I won't be able to carry it once Jack reaches a certin weight anyway. I was more concerned with height.
I was a very long baby when I was born, yeah I was huge all around. And since Jay and I are both tall it's not out of the realm to assume we'd have a long baby.
We looked online and I fell in love with the Nolan pattern and located one for a great price. It was delivered while we were at the beach which was way faster than we'd ever thought. Who orderes something Moday night and it's delivered Thursday afternoon?
We're now searching for another base since I'm really trying not to pay 50-60$ for another base. Luckily I think we've found one from a friend that had a boy a little over a year ago.