This week Jack weighs almost four pounds and could be up to 19 inches long. And though that's a head-to-toe length, Jack is actually back to a curled-up position. Jack is not head down yet from what I can tell but we still have a few weeks before we need to worry. I'm not exactly looking forward to being kicked in the ribs but then again being kicked in the bladder isn't fun either. Ever go from not having to pee to having to go in 5 seconds flat?
How far along? 32 Weeks
Countdown: 57 days
Exercise: Walking and swimming
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: It's about normal but I miss sleeping on my right side.
Best moment this week: Seeing Barbie at Fiesta Texas
Worst moment this week: Food poising from being at Fiesta Texas. Yeah, food poisinging sucks ever worse when your pregnant.
Movement: He was jealous when I was holding Reid. He's definatly an only child and wanted Reid off my stomach and his mom back to himself.
Food Cravings? This kid is going to come out asking for fruit since that's all I've given him.
Food Adversions: Nachos. I'll never eat nachos again.
Gender: Definatly a boy by the techs comments.
Belly Button in or out? Innie
What I miss: Seeing my feet.
What I am looking forward to: Heading out on vacation. Lord, do we need this.