How far along? 37 Weeks = Full Term. Now, somebody get this kid out of me.
Jack is an estimated 7lbs but could be off by a pound +/-. He'll be bigger becuase he's my kid and he'll be a punishment for me being big. I hope he's got Jays personality at least.
Heartbeat 148
Countdown: 22 days
Exercise: That's a funny thought. Walking helps speed up labor but I'm also hoping to prove that sitting on the couch does too.
Stretch marks? I made it to 37 weeks and THEN I get one!!!! It's a cruel joke to do that to a woman
Sleep: Eh. Thank god for Ambian.
Best moment this week: Hospital bags are packed for me and Jack. And for those of you who are wondering I'm only taking 3.
Worst moment this week: Having to get up to go to work. I'm so over working but to be fair I've been done at work since June.
Movement: He's throwing a dance party in my belly at night.
Food Cravings? Blue raspeberry icee from Exxon. It's Jays fault for buying one. Thank god I didn't have gestionational diabeetes.
Food Adversions: None really but I still never order chicken.
Gender: Duh
Belly Button in or out? It's holding on for dear life.
What I miss: Bending over, not waking up in the middle of the night to pee. Do you know how hard it is to wake up on Ambian and pee. Yeah, well it's hard.
What I am looking forward to: This alien coming out of me.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
36 weeks
We finished Jacks room. Check out the post below for a full view.
We had a sonogram this morning and I'll attach pictures later of the sonogram but for now you'll have to deal with ones of me.

Yeah, I'm huge. No shocker there.
Jay thinks I've dropped and I kinda agree. I had to explain to him what that means in the begining though. He thought the baby was dropping out of me which made him nervous. Then he got excited thinking that he'll come early which is NOT what it means. The RLP from last week isn't nearly as bad and there is room between the boobs and belly. A lot of women say they can breathe easier once their babies drop. Personally I haven't noticed a difference in the breathing dept. I'm all about pain at this point.
How far along? 36 Weeks. We're getting close.
Jack weighs and estimated 6lbs 5oz.
Heartbeat 138
Countdown: 29 days
Exercise: I can barely move at night. Exercise is what happens when I have to roll in and out of bed.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Eh. Thank god for Ambian.
Best moment this week: Finishing Jacks room. Yes, we got the furniture on Wednesday and finished the room on Sunday. Can we say determined? Anal? Nesting???
Worst moment this week: Dropping something on the floor and realizing it just wasn't worth the effort to pick it up. Thank goodness Jay is in full nesting mode and follows me around picking up things, taking the laundry out of the dryer and anything that requires me to bend over for longer than a mintue.
Movement: Slowing down a bit
Food Cravings? Everything that's bad for me. Jay complains but he still ate my donuts.
Food Adversions: My appetite is way down but I'll still eat anything.
Gender: Twigs and berries.
Belly Button in or out? My timer is still in.
What I miss: Bending over. Not having carpel tunnel. Huge amounts of preassure. Ugh, how can I do this for another month???
What I am looking forward to: Being done!
We had a sonogram this morning and I'll attach pictures later of the sonogram but for now you'll have to deal with ones of me.
Yeah, I'm huge. No shocker there.
Jay thinks I've dropped and I kinda agree. I had to explain to him what that means in the begining though. He thought the baby was dropping out of me which made him nervous. Then he got excited thinking that he'll come early which is NOT what it means. The RLP from last week isn't nearly as bad and there is room between the boobs and belly. A lot of women say they can breathe easier once their babies drop. Personally I haven't noticed a difference in the breathing dept. I'm all about pain at this point.
How far along? 36 Weeks. We're getting close.
Jack weighs and estimated 6lbs 5oz.
Heartbeat 138
Countdown: 29 days
Exercise: I can barely move at night. Exercise is what happens when I have to roll in and out of bed.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Eh. Thank god for Ambian.
Best moment this week: Finishing Jacks room. Yes, we got the furniture on Wednesday and finished the room on Sunday. Can we say determined? Anal? Nesting???
Worst moment this week: Dropping something on the floor and realizing it just wasn't worth the effort to pick it up. Thank goodness Jay is in full nesting mode and follows me around picking up things, taking the laundry out of the dryer and anything that requires me to bend over for longer than a mintue.
Movement: Slowing down a bit
Food Cravings? Everything that's bad for me. Jay complains but he still ate my donuts.
Food Adversions: My appetite is way down but I'll still eat anything.
Gender: Twigs and berries.
Belly Button in or out? My timer is still in.
What I miss: Bending over. Not having carpel tunnel. Huge amounts of preassure. Ugh, how can I do this for another month???
What I am looking forward to: Being done!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Jack's room is finally done
You might remember our "issue" with Jack's furniture. Well I'm happy to report that we received it on time and without damage. I'm so in love with it. It was cheaper than the original stuff and I like it so much more.
Here is his crib with his gorgeous bedding. Jay keeps saying it's Yankee stripes; whatever. He put the crib together so he can think whatever he wants.

See this thing on the wall? It looks like an alien but it's his video monitor. Yeah, that's right we're going to spy on him and when he gets older we're going to put a gps chip in him so he can't lie to us on where he's been. Do as I say, not as I did Jack.

Next, we have our uber comfortable chair. We ordered it and got it in in 2 weeks. Apparently the trees didn't have to be grown for that. Wanna know something else? See those shelves above the chair? I love those but the sentiment isn't felt by Jay. I'm pretty sure he loathes them. I have never heard him cuss so much before. REALLY Cuss. Way worse than when Notre Dame and Yankees lose. I sat watching TV in the living room because he was so frustrated hanging them. Jay also thinks that when we move that we should leave those shelves on the wall becuase he neither wants to get them off but doesn't want to deal with putting them up somewhere else again. I still don't have the heart to tell him I ordered another large one. Poor Jay.

Finally, we have the dresser. It's a pretty standard dresser, deep drawers, etc. I don't like or have room for a changing station so we put the changing station on top. A few of you might recognize Teddy and Grover from Jay's childhood. I doubt they will stay there since it's within firing range for Jack but I decided to leave them there for now. I'll find another spot where they won't get ruined later. The frame doesn't have a picture in it for now. We'll probably put a newborn picture in it later.

And the final product.
Here is his crib with his gorgeous bedding. Jay keeps saying it's Yankee stripes; whatever. He put the crib together so he can think whatever he wants.
See this thing on the wall? It looks like an alien but it's his video monitor. Yeah, that's right we're going to spy on him and when he gets older we're going to put a gps chip in him so he can't lie to us on where he's been. Do as I say, not as I did Jack.
Next, we have our uber comfortable chair. We ordered it and got it in in 2 weeks. Apparently the trees didn't have to be grown for that. Wanna know something else? See those shelves above the chair? I love those but the sentiment isn't felt by Jay. I'm pretty sure he loathes them. I have never heard him cuss so much before. REALLY Cuss. Way worse than when Notre Dame and Yankees lose. I sat watching TV in the living room because he was so frustrated hanging them. Jay also thinks that when we move that we should leave those shelves on the wall becuase he neither wants to get them off but doesn't want to deal with putting them up somewhere else again. I still don't have the heart to tell him I ordered another large one. Poor Jay.
Finally, we have the dresser. It's a pretty standard dresser, deep drawers, etc. I don't like or have room for a changing station so we put the changing station on top. A few of you might recognize Teddy and Grover from Jay's childhood. I doubt they will stay there since it's within firing range for Jack but I decided to leave them there for now. I'll find another spot where they won't get ruined later. The frame doesn't have a picture in it for now. We'll probably put a newborn picture in it later.
And the final product.
Monday, July 12, 2010
I know this doesn't mean much to you but in the pregnancy world it's a neat little milestone. It means I am 35 weeks and have 35 days till my due date.
Our furniture is being delivered tomorrow....happy days!
Brooke took me shopping last Sunday and I spend a small fortune on everything else I needed. Did you know babies need so much??? Yeah..they kinda do. Geez. Discover card and I are now BFF's and we're thinking about going on vacation together becuase they love me so much.
I'll add pictures as soon as I get the room packed away and organized.
It's natures cruel joke that we start nesting. I want to clean and organize everything in site but I can barely move.
I had a doctors appointment this morning. Everthing is fine and my BP is normal but I don't remember what it was. I'm still measuring 2 weeks ahead which doesn't mean he's coming 2 weeks early, it just means I'm huge. We have a sonogram next week to find out how much he weighs and to see if he's still breach. We'll see.
How far along? 35 Weeks
Countdown: 35 days
Exercise: HAHA, that's funny. You realize it's 100 degrees out, not to mention the humidity?
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: I'm having some weird dreams.
Best moment this week: Telling the furniture people where they can stick it!
Worst moment this week: Finally giving up my car to Jay. I now drive his car becuase it's to hard for me to get out of mine. I'm not sure he's feeling the same mourning as I am.
Movement: We're starting opperation turn baby Jack!
Food Cravings? I still haven't gotten my ice cream cone.
Food Adversions: My appetite is way down but I'll still eat anything.
Gender: Definatly a boy by the techs comments.
Belly Button in or out? Innie but hanging on for dear life. Jay calls it a timer. When it pops out that means I'm done.
What I miss: Not knowing what round ligament pain is. OMG constant pain!
What I am looking forward to: The babys furniture being delivered on Wednesday and my obsessive organizing can begin.
Our furniture is being delivered tomorrow....happy days!
Brooke took me shopping last Sunday and I spend a small fortune on everything else I needed. Did you know babies need so much??? Yeah..they kinda do. Geez. Discover card and I are now BFF's and we're thinking about going on vacation together becuase they love me so much.
I'll add pictures as soon as I get the room packed away and organized.
It's natures cruel joke that we start nesting. I want to clean and organize everything in site but I can barely move.
I had a doctors appointment this morning. Everthing is fine and my BP is normal but I don't remember what it was. I'm still measuring 2 weeks ahead which doesn't mean he's coming 2 weeks early, it just means I'm huge. We have a sonogram next week to find out how much he weighs and to see if he's still breach. We'll see.
How far along? 35 Weeks
Countdown: 35 days
Exercise: HAHA, that's funny. You realize it's 100 degrees out, not to mention the humidity?
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: I'm having some weird dreams.
Best moment this week: Telling the furniture people where they can stick it!
Worst moment this week: Finally giving up my car to Jay. I now drive his car becuase it's to hard for me to get out of mine. I'm not sure he's feeling the same mourning as I am.
Movement: We're starting opperation turn baby Jack!
Food Cravings? I still haven't gotten my ice cream cone.
Food Adversions: My appetite is way down but I'll still eat anything.
Gender: Definatly a boy by the techs comments.
Belly Button in or out? Innie but hanging on for dear life. Jay calls it a timer. When it pops out that means I'm done.
What I miss: Not knowing what round ligament pain is. OMG constant pain!
What I am looking forward to: The babys furniture being delivered on Wednesday and my obsessive organizing can begin.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Jack's New Baby Furniture
That's right, new baby furniture. Why you may ask? We' might remember this post.
At 18 weeks we had decided to purchase Jack's baby furniture from USA Baby asince they were having a great sale. They had indicated that the furniture could take up to 4 months to be delivered. This always made us a little nervous, but heck we loved the set and decided to roll with the punches. It's not like we didn't have time, right?
Fast forward to the past few weeks. Gina's been contacting USA Baby routinely and each time they had no answer as to when Jack's furniture would be delivered. Finally realizing how annoyed Gina was getting they offered a concession to appease us as and offered a credit for the delivery charge. Well, of course we took it. It's free money back to us. After another round of phone calls and dissapointments they offered the sales prices on all store items. The the news hit and were just told, "We just know it'll be soon; likely in the next delivery." Which by the way, it wasn't.
At this point Gina's patience was gone; well the little bit that she did have. We made the decision to move on. Really....5 months and no furnitre. We joked they were growing the trees for our crib. I'd also like to point out that our house was built in a shorter amount of time. Gina called them this morning to cancel. Since the sales rep couldn't make returns, a manager had to call us back. This is where it gets good folks so get your popcorn.
As expected the manager called back but wanted to let us know that they had magically found our furniture and could likely get it to us sometime this week. I guess in 5 months of Gina calling and waiting we get no where unless the thought of losing the sale finally makes furniture appear. Sorry folks you lost any standing from the pregnant one and we continued with the cancelation. They then decided to inform us that there is a 20% restocking fee. UMMM, WHAT? Question: How do you have a restocking fee when neither the customer (me) or the store (USA Baby) has the items being returned? I don't know either but if you come to find out let me know.
Through Gina's wonderful tone and barganing skills they dropped the restocking fee and we're anxiously waiting on the credit to magically appear much quicker than our original furniture order. Let's hope the credit takes less than 5 months but don't hold your breath.
We decided to head over to Buy Buy Baby and had the EXACT opposite experience that we had at USA Baby. We really love the store and the staff as they've always been extremely helpful and courteous to us in all of the purchases we've made with them. If you remember our glider is from there and was sitting in the store waiting to be brought home with in a week and a half of it's original order...keep in mind this was a custom piece too (nope it didn't take 5 months) The furniture was no different. We decided on a set fairly quickly. It appeases both Gina's taste and Jay's need for it to not topple over.
As you can see we picked the Stratton collection pictured above and to our surprise, we could have even taken it home today with us if we had owned a truck. Go figure, a quality set doesn't have to take 5 months to be built and delivered.
Overall, we're patiently/not-so-patiently waiting for our new set which is being delivered this Wednesday. We were able to give our business to Buy Buy Baby once again and have learned our lesson with USA Baby and will be certain to let everyone know of our experience should someone want to know what dealing with USA Baby is really like.
Seriously, who pisses off a pregnant woman?????
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The holy grail of swings
Our swing was FINALLY delivered!
You want to know why I say Finally??? Because we ordered it over a month ago. This thing is kinda like the holy grail. You've seen pictures of it but never really seen it in person and don't know of anybody that has one.
Apparently it's "THE" swing to have. Betcha you didn't know there are "THE" things to have for a baby. Well there are and I didn't know that when we went to go buy one. I knew I wanted one with an AC adapter and that swung both ways. Babies either love or hate swings and most of the ones that hate swings is because they don't like the direction. I'm not patient enough to wait to see if Jack like a swing.
The specs read like a sports car:
4 seat positions
3 recline levels
Holds most Graco car seats so you don't have to take him out of his (not sure if he's sleeping why I would but whatever)
Seat doubles as a floor rocker.
MP3 player
Yes, you read that right. It has an MP3 player. Again, I didn't know or care about the MP3 player when I ordered it. Personally, I still don't care but it's a feature that is kinda cool and Jay seems to like it. I still like the idea of it moving in every direction possible.
Dexter isn't sure about it and he was really curious when we started the womb sounds. It'll be cute to see how Dexter and Stimpy react when we bring home Jack.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Our first scare
Yesterday I had my first scare of this pregnancy. I have truly had a text book example of pregnancy.
No morning sickness
No spotting
Perfect ultra sounds
Never had problems finding the heartbeat
No big jumps in weight gain
No gestional diabetes
Good iron (shocks me the most)
'Til yesterday.
I'll start off by saying I drink TONS of water so it was never a dehydration issue.
I was at work and kept having cramping pains. No biggie, I thought, since I figured I'm growing just as much in these last few weeks as I have this entire pregnancy. Well the pain continued and continued and continued. It didn't matter what position I was in or if I got up and walked around, they stayed. I went to go get lunch 3 blocks from my office, I had to stop half way for a breather becuase the pain got so bad. This wasn't constant was more like waves of pain.
I got back to the office and ate my food. I am, after all, pregnant and you can't put food in front of a pregnant lady and not expect me to eat it. BTW, it was a fruit and vegetable plate if you were wondering.
The pain didn't go away and the waves started getting worse. I will fully admit I have a high pain tolerance. I've put myself through things that I don't think a lot of others would. Actual pain doesn't bother me but this was starting to scare me.
I called my doctor's office nurse's line and left a message about what I was feeling. I figured I needed to be told to suck it up and it's just growing pains. She called back about 15 mintues later and she asked me a few more questions. Describe the pain. Is it menstral? Is it sharp? I told her the best I could and she advised me to come in and be monitored. This wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear but I told one of our bosses (who has kids and also got that worried look on his face) and left.
I called Jay on my way there and got there quickly. They did an exam and I wasn't dilating; which was good even if it turned out to be contractions. I really think she was looking for gold or oil up there, she was not gentle by any means!
Then they hooked me up to the NST, which is the non stress test machine, and was told to push the button when I felt him kick. It measures his heart rate and the muscles on my stomach. Luckily I was having minor contractions but they seemed to be fading which was the best news I could ask for right then and Jack's heart rate was perfect (of course).
Poor Jay knew I was going in for the test but didn't really understand why and I wouldn't let him come up there. It is suppose to the a NON STRESS TEST and having him there woudln't exactly make it a non stress test. Besides he had to sit through a meeting with two of the most annoying people put on the face of the earth. Payback I guess for me being in pain. I texted him saying I was fine which I'm sure only made him feel slightly better. If I really thought something was wrong I would have told him to come but there wasn't any reason for him to leave work just yet even though I know he really didn't want to be there.
I was sent home with instructions to put my feet up, bedrest, and drink lots of water. I went home and took a small nap and started feeling better. I did however wake up once in the middle of the night but was able to go right back to sleep.
What I did learn was what contractions feel like and I'm even less excited about delivering now. I also learned that as much as I hate being pregnant, I'm not ready and neither is Jack. He's still breech and needs some more time to flip and his lungs need to develop further. Plus we literally have nothing for him but clothes so far. But on a good note, this kid is styling.
No morning sickness
No spotting
Perfect ultra sounds
Never had problems finding the heartbeat
No big jumps in weight gain
No gestional diabetes
Good iron (shocks me the most)
'Til yesterday.
I'll start off by saying I drink TONS of water so it was never a dehydration issue.
I was at work and kept having cramping pains. No biggie, I thought, since I figured I'm growing just as much in these last few weeks as I have this entire pregnancy. Well the pain continued and continued and continued. It didn't matter what position I was in or if I got up and walked around, they stayed. I went to go get lunch 3 blocks from my office, I had to stop half way for a breather becuase the pain got so bad. This wasn't constant was more like waves of pain.
I got back to the office and ate my food. I am, after all, pregnant and you can't put food in front of a pregnant lady and not expect me to eat it. BTW, it was a fruit and vegetable plate if you were wondering.
The pain didn't go away and the waves started getting worse. I will fully admit I have a high pain tolerance. I've put myself through things that I don't think a lot of others would. Actual pain doesn't bother me but this was starting to scare me.
I called my doctor's office nurse's line and left a message about what I was feeling. I figured I needed to be told to suck it up and it's just growing pains. She called back about 15 mintues later and she asked me a few more questions. Describe the pain. Is it menstral? Is it sharp? I told her the best I could and she advised me to come in and be monitored. This wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear but I told one of our bosses (who has kids and also got that worried look on his face) and left.
I called Jay on my way there and got there quickly. They did an exam and I wasn't dilating; which was good even if it turned out to be contractions. I really think she was looking for gold or oil up there, she was not gentle by any means!
Then they hooked me up to the NST, which is the non stress test machine, and was told to push the button when I felt him kick. It measures his heart rate and the muscles on my stomach. Luckily I was having minor contractions but they seemed to be fading which was the best news I could ask for right then and Jack's heart rate was perfect (of course).
Poor Jay knew I was going in for the test but didn't really understand why and I wouldn't let him come up there. It is suppose to the a NON STRESS TEST and having him there woudln't exactly make it a non stress test. Besides he had to sit through a meeting with two of the most annoying people put on the face of the earth. Payback I guess for me being in pain. I texted him saying I was fine which I'm sure only made him feel slightly better. If I really thought something was wrong I would have told him to come but there wasn't any reason for him to leave work just yet even though I know he really didn't want to be there.
I was sent home with instructions to put my feet up, bedrest, and drink lots of water. I went home and took a small nap and started feeling better. I did however wake up once in the middle of the night but was able to go right back to sleep.
What I did learn was what contractions feel like and I'm even less excited about delivering now. I also learned that as much as I hate being pregnant, I'm not ready and neither is Jack. He's still breech and needs some more time to flip and his lungs need to develop further. Plus we literally have nothing for him but clothes so far. But on a good note, this kid is styling.
Monday, July 5, 2010
34 Weeks

This is a bad example becuase Jack has decided to be a breach baby so he's sitting on his butt. Stubborn from the get-go just like his mom....wonderful.
This week his testicles are making their way down from his abdomen to his scrotum. (Some baby boys — three to four percent — are born with undescended testicles, but they usually make the trip down sometime before the first birthday.)
Your baby's fingernails now reach the end of the fingertips and may even curl over the tip, making a manicure one of the first things you'll need to do for your little bundle.
How far along? 34 Very LONG Weeks
Countdown: 43 days
Exercise: HAHA, that's funny.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Eh, thanks to Ambian it's decent.
Best moment this week: HELLLLOOOO....3 day weekend.
Worst moment this week: It was all pretty good.
Movement: Still in the same spot. I really hope he turns becuase I don't want a breach baby.
Food Cravings? McDonalds ice cream cone! I hate their cones too, go figure.
Food Adversions: My appetite is way down but I'll still eat anything.
Gender: Definatly a boy by the techs comments.
Belly Button in or out? Innie
What I miss: My back not hurting. My stomach feeling normal. Being able to walk a decent distance. Running. Not having to use Jay to roll out of bed.
What I am looking forward to: The babys furniture being delivered....thats right it's still not here.
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