Can you guess what happened? Yup, that’s right. Jack got his first tooth. Actually, he got two teeth at the same time. Hey, this kid defiantly takes after me……If you’re going to do something big then do it big.
He defiantly didn’t have anything the Tuesday night when he was gnawing on us because we would have felt it. Jay didn’t feel anything Wednesday morning while getting him ready but when he picked him up from daycare the teachers told him that Jack had two teeth. I think they were kind of worried about telling us since it happened at daycare and not in front of us. I’m pretty sure Jay was shocked because he hasn’t been fussy at all. He’s actually been a dream to be around. We figured since he is such a moody kid that we’d know for DAYS that something was going on (there have been several false alarms so we’ve got plenty of teething toys and Motrin for the pain). Jack had fallen asleep on the way home from daycare so Jay put him in his room and came and told me. I was just shocked. Sure enough after he woke up I stuck my finger in his mouth and felt two teeth. They are barely there but they are there. I don’t know if we are going to be able to get a picture for a bit because he sticks his tongue out and covers it every time we open his mouth. Jay will have to work some fancy camera skills while I get him to giggle to get one.
No word on if they are straight or not but knowing my history I can see some pretty big orthodontic bills in my future.