Monday, March 21, 2011

Jack is famous!

Well not really....but he kinda is because he's mine.

Jay took off work early and took Jack to visit Grandma at work. He got to go onto the set of our local news station after flirting with some of the sales girls and newscasters.

I think he may have a future in promotions if he ever wants one. He smiled at any mention of him being used for station advertisements.

Next time we'll have to get him on the green screen to do the weather or behind the sports desk flashing his hook 'em horns!

He kept staring at the lights. He likes lights.
From JacKXAN

From JacKXAN

Happy in the spotlight!
From JacKXAN

I'm ready for my cameo, just give me the mic and step back. "This is Jack Ryan...KXAN news..."
From JacKXAN