How far along? 14Weeks
Countdown: 184 days
Total weight gain/loss: still at +5 lbs
Exercise: The elliptical machine is my friend. I can't wait till the weather stays warmer so Jay and I can hit the trail again.
Blood preasure: No clue
Maternity clothes? Bella band is uncomfortable but still wearable. Shirts are still about half and half but slowly fading. I'm all for comfort and apparently my wardrobe wasn't "flowing" before pregnancy.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: What's this?
Best moment this week: First night out with friends after telling the rest of the world and not having to hide my tummy. Jay and I still being able to cut a rug on Saturday night :). Yes ladies, he dances with me all the time.
Movement: None yet but I can't wait.
Food Cravings? I should have bought stock in pickles.
Food Adversions: Eggs but that's it. Chicken has gone from being hated to semi appealing. Choclate and sweets are too sweet.
Gender: We have a guess but aren't saying till we get the official reading
Labor/Pregnancy Signs: N/A
Belly Button in or out? Innie
What I miss: Even though it was drug enduced...sleeping through the night. Do you know how much it sucks to wake up in the middle of the night on Ambian????
What I am looking forward to: Spring or warmer weather
What I am looking forward to: Spring or warmer weather
Next appointment: March 2nd