How far along? 13 Weeks
Countdown: 191 days
Total weight gain/loss: still at +5 lbs
Exercise: Back to a semi normal routine. No running yet but it's been to icky outside. Elliptical 4-5x a week which has finally given me some energy.Countdown: 191 days
Total weight gain/loss: still at +5 lbs
Blood preasure: no clue
Maternity clothes? I'm can wear regular pants and maternity pants. I bought some shirts hoping they'd be long enough. Length has always been my nemisis. I've definatly popped.
Maternity clothes? I'm can wear regular pants and maternity pants. I bought some shirts hoping they'd be long enough. Length has always been my nemisis. I've definatly popped.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: I'm very lucky to get 6 hours. I thought pregnancy was suppose to make you sleep more?
Sleep: I'm very lucky to get 6 hours. I thought pregnancy was suppose to make you sleep more?
Best moment this week: The best lasagna I've had in a long time at Mandolas. Even better than stoffers :)
Movement: Only when I kick Jay at night.
Food Cravings? Everything I see on TV
Food Cravings? Everything I see on TV
Food Adversions: Eggs but that's it. Chicken has gone from being hated to semi appealing
Gender: We have a guess but aren't saying till we get the official reading
Gender: We have a guess but aren't saying till we get the official reading
Labor/Pregnancy Signs: N/A
Belly Button in or out? Innie
What I miss: I really want a mexican martini. Going to Trudys with Josh was just torture. TORTURE!
What I am looking forward to: Spring or warmer weather
Belly Button in or out? Innie
What I miss: I really want a mexican martini. Going to Trudys with Josh was just torture. TORTURE!
What I am looking forward to: Spring or warmer weather
Next appointment: March 2nd