It's been a long couple of months. Really long.
In that time I feel like Jack has really gown up. He's no longer our baby, he's a full on toddler. A toddler who has an opinion too.
He's such a sweet boy though with his crooked little smile and wrinkled nose. He loves giving huggs to everybody and especially Stimpy the cat. Poor Stimpy. He's such a good cat but he's just not a fan of Jack. He likes to sit and watch him from the top of the couch though. He'll sneak by Jack hoping that he doesn't get trapped with a hug but usually Jack wins and pins him down for a full on full body hug. Stimpy is such a good sport for a 13 year old cat. Dexter on the other hand loves Jack. He's his little boy. He is such a protector. They love playing and Jack is finally able to trop a ball for Dexter.
I also have a obsession about my little man is jeans. It's the cutest thing EVER!
Look at that diaper butt!
Right before Halloween we took at trip to the pumpkin patch that we visited last year. He loved playing in them. Hopefully next year we'll go to one of the local pumpkin growers instead.
And I know I'm bias but I think this is the cutest profile picture ever!