Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Swings equal happiness

After a full day of being cranky and not eating very much we took Jack to Tipton's 2nd birthday party in hopes of him snapping out of his funk. Well, he napped for the first hour so he was in a better mood but still not liking anything we did. After presents and the pinata we went to the swings in hopes of Jack perking up a bit.

Low and behold.....what's that???? A smile!

From Swings!

You can see his two bottom teeth in this picture.
From Swings!

I think he looks like my Grandpa in this picture.
From Swings!

Goofy mid swing smile
From Swings!

He then started to realize that we were going to be leaving soon.
From Swings!

He was not happy.

But a few more pushes and a kiss from mom and things are better.
From Swings!

We got home and put him to bed but we were in for another bad night. After several times up with dad with no success going down, I ended sleeping on the couch sitting up holding him becuase he wouldn't lay down with out screaming but would fall asleep instantly on my shoulder. Jay was in the same position on Friday night and the couch is a major upgrade from the chair he slept in. We ended up taking him to a walk-in clinic that was open on Sundays (I had gone there a week earlier to get diagnosed as having strep). Our suspicions were confirmed and he had a double ear infection and a red throat but the throat could be from crying and whining so much. We were able to go fill his Rx that day and get both doses in him and then next night already noticed a big difference. He's been sleeping much better and is only waking up at 4:30 for his paci. I'm sure once his ears clear up we'll be back to sleeping through the night once again.