Tuesday, January 18, 2011

5 Months Old!

Guess who's 5 months old!

From 5 Months old

Sorry we're a little late but helllloooo we have a 5 month old!

Jack is wearing all 6-9 month clothing and 9 month pants but he's quickly growing out of a few of the shirts in length. I'll weigh him tomorrow morning to see how much big man weighs. He's close to sitting up on his own but still needs our help to catch when he gets tired

From 5 Months old

I think when we started solids he doesn't quite understand that it's not everything that's solid. He wasn't down in the chair all of 5 seconds before he turned and spotted teddy and went for him.

From 5 Months old

And have I not given you this look at some point?

From 5 Months old