Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hell hath no fury like an infant with diaper rash

I guess we've reached our first milestone? We've had our first diaper rash and let me tell you, it was a doozie. Being my son he's taking after me and saying if you're going to do something, then do it big!

After battling diarrhea for three weeks I guess his butt just couldn't take it anymore. It definitely wasn't there Thursday morning, or that we could see, so it must have started appearing Thursday while he was playing at daycare. They had to call me to come get him, poor little guy. You could tell just by looking at him how uncomfortable he was. They didn't realize that he had a tube of cream up there because it was in the back so it got worse all day due to no treatment. I got him home and slathered his butt with as much as it would take and I think just doing that was a relief. We made sure to change his diapers as much as possible and slather his butt with cream each time. Jay was able to find some some treatments online that seemed to help others so we said: "We might as well try it". Our weekend was filled with baking soda baths which help neutralize everything. After his baths we let him air dry for as long as he'd take tummy time. It was his first free balling experience he'd had and I think he enjoyed it but we were worried that he'd leave us a present and we weren't prepared for that just yet. Friday Jay stayed home with him since he couldn't be at daycare. He wasn't able to be held normally so he pretty much was in his daycare hold all day and whiny because he was in pain. Starting Thursday night he woke up all the time because his butt hurt so much. It's gotten better each day because Jay was was so vigilant about the cream and diaper changes all weekend. I really think those baking soda baths cut his healing time in half.

Saturday he was still on the mend but still hurting. Sunday we officially had our happy baby back. He still has a small rash but it's no where near what it was and it should be gone by tonight as long as daycare puts cream on it.

Here is proof that we have our happy baby back. Jay took this Sunday morning while Jack was wearing his Texans shirt. This smile is going to get him out of so much trouble when he gets older.

From Sunday Football