Saturday, October 16, 2010

2 Month Shots & Doctors Visits

Little man isn't so liitle anymore. Jack had his 2 month appointment on October 12 and weighed 13 lbs 10 oz! He's getting to be such a big boy, I'm not sure where these last 2 months went. Wasn't it just last week I was at my wits end and thought I was a terrible mother beucase he had acid reflux and I didn't know it? Little man isn't so little anymore. He was such a champ and even flirted with the nurses and flashed a huge smile at the doctor. I think we're going to be in trouble when he gets older. I can already picture him chasing the girls around the daycare playgroud.
Doc thought he looked great (of course) answered our questions and sent the nurse in to give the shots which he took like a champ. He cried but settled down shortly after she was done and was back to smiling and flirting with mommy.

He was pretty sleepy the rest of the day but woke up with a vengance about the time Jay came home. Thankgoodness he never had a fever but you would think that somebody replaced my sweet little man with a draggon. We made sure to put him to bed an hour early and he slept like a champ and woke up back to his old self.

JAck did suffer some reactions to his shots and ended up taking him back to the doctor on Saturday. All looks clear and we'll just have to wait and see but he's eating us out of house and home and even put on weight between Tuesday and Saturday. His weight on Saturday was 14 lbs 3oz. That's right...little man gained 9oz in just a few days. I'm not sure why Jay thinks he wants another when Jack gets to be a teenager he's going to eat us out of house and home.