Because I think he lives here.
For the last two weeks Jack has had diarrhea. Yes, it's 2 weeks now and yes we've been to the doctor, we're not that bad of parents. The first time they took cultures and the tests came back with nothing. This time we have to take cultures in (YUCK!). He's never had a fever and he's gaining weight so the doctor isn't really worried that it's something major. If he'd been losing weight we'd be at Dell Childrens Hospital. Both Jay and I will appologize to him when he gets older for getting our stomachs; which are not the greatest.
The day he got his shots (Tuesday, October 12th) he was 13lbs 10oz.
Our last appointment (Saturday, October 16th) he was 14lbs 3oz.
Today he's 14lbs 13oz!
So for all you math whizzes out there he's gaining 9-10oz per week. He's got the imput output thing down and we don't feel so bad for our backs killing us. He's no longer little man but big man!
The doctor also put him on a special formula. He's now enjoying Similac Isomil DF.

It's made for babies with diarrhea and it's soy, which I'm sure it tastes wonderful. I'm really glad I didn't go out and spend a bunch of money on formula this weekend just to replace it with this stuff becuase it's not cheap. The doctor said that after 2 weeks of being normal we can go back to our regular stuff. It's also only available in ready to drink which makes his 5oz easier to measure and becuase it's ready to drink it's also probably sweeter. It's going to be a pain to switch him back. Would you want to go from chocolate milk to water?