Here is my 39 week picture
Here is what happened by 39 weeks 1 day
So you can see why the blog hasn't been updated.
We've gone though a ton of changes. We've had to adjust with waking up every 2 hours to feed Jack. I had a terrible recovery once we got home but thankfully Jay did almost everything so I could heal. I'm pretty sure he's a better mom than I am. Once we finally started to get use to the schedule Jack had us on we had to switch formulas and that completely threw us all over since he decided to become all backed up. After a few days and a trip to the pediatrician it finally resolved. Finally we have our latest test as new parents. During Grandpas visit Jack started to become really fussy and got progressivly worse as the week progressed. After some research and a few conversations from friends I realized he'd developed acid reflux. After taking him to the pediatrician once again he agreed with me. After spending a few evenings dealing with the worst crying I've ever heard come from a person his medicine finally started working and we have our little man back. He's been such a good baby since then.