Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jacks 1st toy!

I know he won't be able to use it for a while.
I know there is wood and he'll hurt himself but kids need to hurt themselves.
I know I could have waited till he could have actually used it to make the purchase.

But this is a baby we're talking about and there is nothing rational when you see a cute toy for a baby.

I found this on a site I frequent and I just had to have it. There were several different characters but we both liked the dinosaur becuase of the colors.

Did I mention it sings??!!!

Dexter wanted to play with it and bit it so for now it's packed away in it's box until the nursery is closer to being done.

There will be many pictures on it I can guarantee that!

We have the option to stain the handles and the base but given my ability to do anything painting related it won't happen.

***Sorry for the bad Iphone picture****