How far along? 16 Weeks
Countdown: 170 days
Total weight gain/loss: +8
Exercise: Elliptical and 3.5 miles around town lake on Saturday which felt great! At least it's getting warmer so we can run at night.
Blood preasure: 114/68
Maternity clothes? Yup
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: About 4 hours now. Pregnancy and regular insomnia are in full force. It's sad when I'll get more sleep after the baby comes
Best moment this week: Picked out a daycare!!!! I'm so glad to have this off our list. Jay even okayed it with all his OCD clean tendencies. I will say it does feel weird to be paying 1100$ just for daycare.
Movement: I feel something but I'm not sure if it's the baby or digesting food. Ugh! I just want to know.
Food Cravings? Pickles, fruit, feta cheese and fatoosh salads from the medeterian place down the street.
Food Adversions: Eggs and chicken.
Gender: We have a guess but aren't saying till we get the official reading
Labor/Pregnancy Signs: N/A
Belly Button in or out? Innie
What I miss: Margaritas
What I am looking forward to: Spring or warmer weather
Next appointment: March 30th