Monday, June 13, 2011

Save the date!!!!

I promised myself that I was not going to start planning Jack's first birthday till July.

I really tried.

I promise.

I really tried to ban all birthday thoughts out of my head.

It didn't work.

Soooooo, save the date. Jacks first birthday will be August 13, 2011!!!

Can you believe it that he'll be 1 in such a short time? Time really does fly.

I don't remember my birthdays taking such short time.

And yes, becuase it's me, I'll probably go overboard.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sleeping positions

I guess this is a normal sleep position????

From sleeping

I just don't see how it's comfortable though.

Here is another night. I took a picture of the video monitor screen because I don't have a flash on my phone.

From sleeping