Jack's first Christmas was a complete success! This kid cleaned up for being a 4 month old. He even opened a few of his own gifts, which was adorable by the way.
From Santa he got a high chair, but thankfully Santa was able to let mom and dad know that he was getting it so they could have some toys ready for him to play with (which he loved). We finally found something he looks small in again.

Mom got him some bath puppets, toys, and I even found him his first Notre Dame textbook and a Notre Dame DVD. He also got his first bowl set from his Godfather, Josh. We'll disregard that it's from LSU but I did let him know that Jack would be wearing his purple and yellow for the big game against ATM in a few weeks. We also got him some dishes because we're about to start him on solids. He got his first set of spoons from grandpa and grandma when they were here earlier this month.
Dad bought him an extra special gift. He was able to find him his first baseball hat, which he got in both Notre Dame and UT. He'll definitely be styling this year.
Jack took a good nap and then we headed down to Grammy's house for Christmas dinner and for more presents for the little man. He cleand up there too. Grammy got him some jammies, more toys, rattles and lots of kisses. He was pretty proud of the special presents he picked out for her. He made sure to get her a figurine that she'd been wanting. He also got a her a grandma necklace and an ornament for her tree.

And because I write the blog here is another cute picture.